Thank you for inquiring about the RROC 2022 Annual Meet in San Diego. Despite the lost year of 2020 we were in initial discussions with key venues, and we secured the Meet Hotel contract.

As you are aware Annual Meets are now focused as a four-day event. Since San Diego has so many world renown attractions, we have arranged for meet attendees to get the meet pricing three days before the meet (June 18, 19, and 20) and three days after the meet (June 25, 26, and 27). This allows attendees to focus on the meet and then have adequate time to explore San Diego and its environs. We will have a listing of suggested venues where you can spend your time exploring without having to worry about rushing to return to the meet.
The Dana on Mission Bay is our meet hotel.
1710 Mission Bay Drive, San Diego, CA 92109.
It is 6.2 miles from San Diego International Airport (Lindberg Field), and easy access from Interstate 5 (north and south) and Interstate 8 (east and west). A series of maps is below to help give you a better visual. Also adjoining The Dana are watersports rental facilities or you can walk or cycle the path around Mission Bay.
If you wish to make your hotel reservation an instruction form is also below.
Parking at The Dana is not covered and there are car washing facilities.
Our opening and closing dinners are at exquisite, unusual venues punctuated by a Fiesta on the lawn at “The Dana” on Wednesday evening while celebrating the San Diego Regions 50th Anniversary.
Our website is being created and once online a notification will be sent out.
Please feel free to ask us more questions.
Brad & Michele Zemcik
How to Book Rooms
The Dana on Mission Bay
RROC 70th Annual Meet 2022
San Diego, CA June 21, 22, 23 & 24
Before you book your rooms, below are the two ways to book rooms. Remember that you can get the Meet Rate for 3 days before (June 18, 19 & 20) and 3 days after (June 25, 26 & 27). This allows you to discover more attractions of what San Diego has to offer that are not part of the meet offerings.
For resort information please go to
Here are the two ways to book rooms:
Call the Hotel
- Dial 800-445-3339 (or 619-222-6440 if calling from outside the US) and mention the “Rolls-Royce Owners’ Club Annual Meeting”
- NOTE: Guests will be able to upgrade their rooms and extend their dates of stay through this method
Register Online
- Register online directly with the hotel
- Note: Only the rooms physically in the block will be available this way, if guests would like to change room types or extend their stay, please have them call The Dana.
Maps and Activities Around San Diego

To download a PDF version of this packet, CLICK HERE